The Creamery Fridge

Thursday dinner for four

The Creamery Fridge is a subscription-based weekly meal service. Every Thursday I offer a changing menu that feeds four people.

Each meal is $75 (or $65 without dessert)

The meals are always organic, and free of gluten, dairy and refined sweeteners. 

Past menus

roast chicken in grape sauce 

cauliflower rice 

endive and apple with walnut vinaigrette

anzac cookies

lamb kebab

kosheri (Egyptian rice & lentil pilaf)

cuke-tomato-herb-olive salad

apricot fig bars

jerk chicken
Jamaican rice & peas
Haitian slaw with peppers, cilantro, pickled onions
coconut lime bread

salmon with grilled zucchini, red pepper-currant relish
herby roast potatoes and sweet potatoes
arugula, cucumber, wax bean and lemon salad
ricciarelli (Sianese almond cookies)

Give us a whirl

Delivery to Nicasio, Fairfax, San Anselmo. Pick up in the San Geronimo valley

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